Darul Huda Islamic School, Al-Ain is an English Medium School, recognized by the Ministry of Education, U.A.E. we aim at the development of intellectual, moral, spiritual and physical potential of the child.
To execute this function We have a well performed department for mathematics.Mathematics is one of the most important subject of our life. Mathematics is a methodical application of matter. It is so said because the subject makes a man methodical or systematic. Mathematics makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. Certain quantities that are nurtured by mathematics are power of reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving ability and even effective communication skills. No matter to which field or profession you belong to, it’s use is everywhere. That is why it is necessary to have a good understanding of the subject. Though the basics of mathematics start from school but its usage continues life long and thus it can be said that maths has become an integral part of your life. Since we are always looking to change and improve, we are doing several innovative things within our department.We assures the following things to our children.
- Improving students’ achievement using research-based instructional practices
- Data gathered from assessments is used to adopt suitable pedagogy.
- Through collaboration and communication, students evaluate their own mathematical thinking and analyze the strategies of others.
- Conceptual understanding supports retention and prevents common errors.
- Connections are made within the same mathematical structure, between mathematical strands, and to other disciplines and daily living.
- Through working together, students increase self-confidence, deepen mathematical understanding, and utilize social skills.
- Experiences with concrete models followed by pictorial representations assist in developing abstract thinking.
- Knowledge is built through solving problems in mathematics and in real world contexts. Students use and adapt a variety of strategies that enable them to monitor and reflect on mathematical processes.
- The attitude of students toward mathematics is improved when technology is in their hands to focus on decision making, reflection, reasoning and problem-solving also preparing students for 21st century life and careers.
- Through parental involment, we change children’s beliefs from a focus on ability to a focus on effort so as to increases their engagement in mathematical learning.
- It is useful in arousing and maintaining interest in mathematics.
- It stimulates the active participation of the students.
- It develops in the students a habit of selective study. This helps them to make a distinction between relevant and irrelevant material.
- The knowledge gained by students in various function of such club activities supplements the class teaching.
- It provides the students an opportunity to free discussion and they are benefited from one another’s view.
- Gifted students get an opportunity to satisfy their needs and interests by actively participating in the activities of such clubs and associations.
- Students get an opportunity to listen to some well-known and distinguished mathematicians.
- It gives the students basic training in organizing such programs.
- It is helpful in making proper utilization of leisure time.
- Through participation in such clubs students get acquainted with the contribution of great mathematicians in their fields.
“Each child is bred with an unique set of potentials that yearn to be fulfilled as surely as the acorn yearns to become oak within it”